Ares Captain America Surtur ended my tilt and got me to 93 the fastest ever!
Surtur fell off after getting nerfed few seasons ago but the appearance of Aries made him come back to top tier. Ive seen many versions of surtur Aries last season such as only quick silver, three 1 costs like nico, bob and zabu, with magneto or heimdall... I dont consider myself as a good player cuz Ive never made to infinite but most of those decks made had similar to same concept as my brew of surtur deck previously by coincidence which was surtur+multiple 10 power cards+double counter/protection(armor&cosmo). Surtur Ares has been hitting its peak performance after Sam joined the game.
Link of my post of previous Surtur deck:
Link of my posts of babycry&tilt in last season grinding for entertainment:
This Surtur Ares Sam deck Ive been using is copied from KMbest video( ). I spent so much time grinding with Butt's Glactus decks and struggled climbing cuz his decks are too hard for me. I stuck at 83-85 for a while until I switched to this Surtur deck, I climbed to 93 the easiest Ive ever felt. Now let's get into the deck guide!
Key cards:
Zabu: The only 1 cost card in the deck, it makes your games super smooth if drawn turn one as we have four 4 cost cards.
Psylocke: She can be great to draw on turn 2 for playing a 4 cost on turn 3 but you have to decide if you have her with Sam on turn 2 or Surtur in your starting hand.
Armor: She protects your cards from shang. If you play against someone who you think possibly having shang in the deck, you have to try getting prio in early game cuz you are going to stack multiple 10 powers in early game. She is usually played in turn 6 with prio unless you play against destroy.
Captain America(Sam): This card itself is an ultimate upgrade for Surtur decks as it really polishes the entire deck. That shield allows you to not add quick silver or more 1 cost into your deck, making Attuma easier to be played cuz shield cant be destroyed, also the fact that Sam is a stacking card adds another threat for the opponent, you can decide between putting him with Surtur at same location or spread them. You need to play him if you have him turn 2 when you have surtur turn 3, even if you lose your prio you will get it back mostly on turn 4.
Cosmo: he can be another protection for your 10 powers and he can cut down the tempo of your opponents if you know they have cheap on reveal cards and you can also play him early on some 'on reveal' locations. There are countless uses of him locking one location, predict destroy cards, doctor doom, spectrum, magneto, modok...
Surtur: He is the daddy. He is the biggest threat in your deck if you play him on turn 3, if I dont have sam played on turn 2 I would play him at same location with the shied to prevent red gardian who is the only counter to him in early game. You normally dont stack multiple 10 powers with him and if I dont get him before 3 I wont play him later.
Play guide:
Turn 1 Zabu
Turn 2 Sam>psylocke if 4 cost in your hand
Turn 3 Surtur>3 cost 10 powers, Cosmo> everything if against destroy
Turn 4 Ares>Crossbones(you dont guarantee to win locations later)>Cull>Attuma(if you have Armor in hand or no other 10 powers)
Turn 5 Aero(you can use her to clog one location if prio) or other 10 power cards
Turn 6 Skkar+Armor/Cosmo/10 power cards
For snapping, if you are an aggresive snapper(I dont mean you are a fish we talking about the game), snap when you have perfect curve: Zabu- Sam- Surtur or Psylocke- Ares. If you are a snake like me, make sure to snap after you counter opponents with Armor or Cosmo, you can also snap turn 4 if you know opponent's deck mostly that you think it cant match your stats, snap on turn 5 if you 100% sure you predict opponents right with cosmo or Armor.
For budget cards replacement, I am sorry that I am too tired after typing so much, you can ask me on this post. If you wanna ask why I dont use Magneto/iron patriot/Heimdall/Sasquach, I would say this deck relies on tech cards that turn 6 plays are usually skarr+tech cards or another 10 power instead of surprising play like Heim or Mag, no iron patriot cuz sam is too much better at turn 2 for this deck, iron pariot is better in cheaper decks, Sasquach is nice but he is better in another composition with Squirrels or Mysterio to use the most of him.
Please feel free to ask me anything, roast me, educate me or stepping on my face(please dont do this one)!
Here is the deck:
# (1) Zabu
# (2) Psylocke
# (2) Armor
# (2) Sam Wilson Captain America
# (3) Cosmo
# (3) Surtur
# (4) Ares
# (4) Attuma
# (4) Crossbones
# (4) Cull Obsidian
# (5) Aero
# (6) Skaar
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in MARVEL SNAP.