Spiderman Feels weak, why?

I just got he invite code from a friend, love spiderman so started playing him. Instantly realized he genuinely does no damage. I use ALL of my abilities including ult on a tank and he doesn't die, then proceeds to 2 shot me.

Am I playing the character wrong? I sit in the back lines picking off damage as I can and then when someone is low use my "E" to get in, then use the "F" to uppercut and start attacking, but even then they take maybe a 1/3 of there health if they are a dps, less than that if anything else. I am just curious if other people have noticed this?

I played a game as Iron Man and got a 13 kill streak, he has the same health as spiderman but as spiderman I cannot get more than like 3-5 kills? Is it as simple as needing a buff? Or am I playing the character wrong? I just cant understand why I use EVERYTHING he has to offer actually using evbery single ability and it does not do enough damage to kill one person?

I understand Spiderman is meant to be a backline killer, but when my attacks feel like I am shooting a bb gun at superman that is just not going to work. Durring said game as iron man I think I had maybe 2 deaths? Next game about the same? I just cannot underrstand why the devs would make it so he cannot kill, I get he can get out of fights super easy, but Iron man can as well. He can fly out of fights just as easy as Spiderman can swing out of fights, so I just don't understand the lack of damage spiderman has.

From my experience he does the least amount of damage in the game while simultaneously having some of the least amount of health in the game, I just cannot understand why the devas would make it so. Ironman, Punisher etc.. do far more damage with the same health. What is the point of having Spiderman in then game if he ius going to be so weak.

If I was playing a comp and someone choose the current Spiderman, I would be asking them to change as Spiderman = a damn near guaranteed loss, he does almost no damage and without someone 100% pocketing him with heals I would go as far to say he is useless.

Please let me know if you feel the same or if I am just crazy ad playing the character wrong.