How Do You Deal With Unsolicited Feedback?

When playing one-on-one formats, I really enjoy a bit of table talk. Conversing with my opponent, even if not about the path the game is taking, alleviates the tension from the silence that so often accompanies competitive play. I especially like talking with my opponent after the match about Magic, the weather, music, or life in general.

However, and this has been happening more lately, the conversation after the game (and sometimes during) consists of my opponent telling me how I could have played better or why my deck isn't as strong as it could be. Normally, I'm happy to talk about my play or deck choice, but only if I am the one that initiates that type of conversation. Instead, players recently, perhaps emboldened by their having won the match, have begun giving quite a bit of unsolicited advice and critique, something that can feel quite rude and disrespectful.

For those that have experienced something similar, how do you respond? Do you even? Is it unavoidable? I want to cultivate a strategy that helps me feel less bad in these moments, especially at an event like FNM where I am just there to have a good time and aren't looking necessarily for a strategy lecture that I didn't consent to being party to.
