[KCD2] Unpopular opinion: combat is too easy

So I am 25 hours in and I am already defeating every single enemy I fight with, even multiple bandits, and I haven't even gone to the wedding yet. Thanks to stealing, looting and completing missions I already have a very decent gear. Once I learned how to use the master strike, every fight just feels too easy.

This is very different from KCD1, I remember struggling with combat even in my second run after I had already mastered the game. My Henry took a lot of time to learn how to fight properly and the learning curve was steep but rewarding.

Combat is still of course hard if you are used to just smashing buttons, but as soon as you learn how to use this combat system, it becomes very easy. I get it that now Henry just needs to "remember" his skills after the injury, instead of learning everything from scratch, but it is less fun when there is no challenge.

Is anyone having my same experience? Maybe I just need to progress in the story, and I will eventually find more challenging enemies?