Scarface, King of Kings, the One-Eyed Conqueror Slayer of Lions and Hyenas, Warlord of the Mara, the Unchallenged, the Last Great Ruler of the Wild, For fourteen years, he ruled with unrivaled power, his reign carved into the very soul of the savanna

The legend Scarface, the king of the Savannah and ruler of the Maasai Mara Reserve, killed 400 hyenas and 130 lions and controlled an area of 400 square kilometers. He had 900 lions under his command. He is also considered the only lion who was able to kill an adult hippopotamus in a single battle and expel crocodiles from his reserve because they preyed on a young cub.

In 2012, Scarface got into a fight with a lion called Marsupial, who was 3 years younger and bigger than him. Everyone thought that Scarface would lose the fight. Scarface was injured in his foot, but he emerged victorious and kept Marsupial's head for two weeks before throwing it away. In 2016, he and his brothers Sekiu, Hunter and Murami got into a fight with 6 lions and killed 2 of them on their own.

A few days before his death, Scarface walked several miles back to his home and birthplace. On his way, the lions gave him food instead of attacking him. This is unusual in the animal world but Scarface broke the rule and gained great respect from everyone.

He was buried by the National Geographic team in honor of his legendary life... the lion who was only defeated by death.