28M, 150lb, 140/88BP & Vitamin D @ 25 (low)

Before I visit my doctor again, I thought I’d share. I recently took my BP at a Walmart just because… and the reading was 140/88 which is considered high for my age. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle, no drugs and occasional alcohol, and weighing about 150lb while going to the gym about 3x a week.

My doctor did find out that I was low on Vitamin D, which is reasonable because I work from home and rarely get sunlight. He suggested I take 2000iu daily, which I did. But I recently switched to 10k iu every other day.

Could the low vitamin d be linked to my high blood pressure?

I also grew having terrible panic attacks and I assumed that was also linked to it.

I’m just more anxious now learning how high my BP is considering what I eat is healthy and living a normal healthy lifestyle, besides the lack of sunlight.

I do sometimes feel fatigued and legs also feel tired.