Give refuge to German/Italian Scientists should give options for scientists for special research.

One of the major features of the Gotterdammerung DLC was special research projects. There exists a decision in the game called "Give refuge to German/Italian Scientists" which trades 5% stability for 5% research speed. This decision does not give any way to give scientists for special projects. What could be a small, yet possibly useful change to these decisions could be to provide options to get scientists for special facilities as options. To better explain this point, the event could have things like the following:

- Gains a level X Scientist; -X Stability (can only be an option if not taken by another nation)

- Gains 2 level X Scientists; -X Stability (can only be an option if not taken by another nation)

- Gains level X Scientist; - X War Support (can only be an option if not yet taken by another nation)

- Gain 5% research speed; -5% Stability (always available)

By making these changes, it would provide an option to gain better initial scientists than level 1 for facilities for the same cost, but with some debuff as well as possible races to get certain scientists and additional roleplay. I don't have enough knowledge to say WHO these scientists are, but they should be ones who are not currently in the starting roster for any nation and did leave the nation they are seeking refuge from. As for the values X, it is simply for balancing purposes.