How do you sleep with this condition, anyone with insomnia? If anyone Is able to manage or ease their sleep problems please share your experience bellow

Im having terminal insomnia, fall asleep easy but after 5-6 hours I wake up tired and start to toss and turn and I can't get back to sleep again no matter what I do, It's like that 4-5 days a week, the other two days I sleep 7-8h and feel more refreshed, I don't feel any pain In genital area 99% of the time, my sleeping problems started In January, I was having HF/LF symptoms but I wasn't aware at the time, I learned two months ago I have this, I was anxious, stressed and sometimes depressed before all this but I was always able to sleep no matter what I went through mentally. I talked to some people here who have similar symptoms as me but they sleep pretty much normally like they used to before all this, many who have It way worse than me also sleep ok, usually people who experience pain have more trouble with sleep as far as I've noticed. I am having spider veins, engorged and longer flaccid that Is hard when standing, dorsal vein pretty visible but Its functional, errections, sensation, ejaculation and urinating are mostly ok.

I had a bad motorcycle accident 7y ago where a lot of skin on my arms and legs was damaged upon hitting the concrete In the middle of the summer and I broke a bone In my feet, damaged some nerves also In the feet, I didn't go to the doc for almost 5 days after the accident and I remeber sleeping for 9-10h In the days that followed, I used Ibuprofen for pain only on the first day of the accident. Crazy how well I slept through this and now without any pain I struggle.

If anyone here knows anything about the connection of this condition with insomnia or has dealt with insomnia before please share your experience and possible solutions, I can live with my champ the way he Is and accept It but this insomnia Is torture and Its crushing my soul, Im 29y old and feel like 80 because of this constant lack of sleep. Thanks for reading