What is the general consensus on the Khan boss fight? I personally found this boss fight terrible compared to the others in the game.

This boss fight has everything I hate in a game: hitboxes that make no sense, sometimes you're clearly far away from Khan, and yet he still hits you.

He spams unblockable attacks, which takes away the fun of the game, which is supposed to be fast-paced and fluid combat.

In his final phase, he uses minions to protect himself, which is pretty pathetic considering this is the final boss of the campaign.

This boss fight has everything I hate in a game: hitboxes that make no sense, sometimes you're clearly far away from Khan, and yet he still hits you.

He spams unblockable attacks, which takes away the fun of the game, which is supposed to be fast-paced and fluid combat.

In his final phase, he uses minions to protect himself, which is pretty pathetic considering this is the final boss of the campaign.