Girth Gains

Hey guys, I posted on here last year with a similar type of progress logs. Here is my updated girth after roughly another year. I also added basic manual length training this year which has been nice.

I don’t spend the most time dedicated to PE, and I try to keep it always under 15 minutes a day.

I did my best to make all the pictures equally sized, but I’m not perfect. Not trying to skew results. My size is also larger than pictures make it seem, pics are taken for comparison not to impress.

Starting Size: 8.1”x5” First Pic: 8.3”x5.2” (2021) Last Year: 8.4”x5.6” (2024) This Year: 8.7”x5.75” (2025)

Current Routine: 30 piss pulls every time I use the bathroom 2 sets of 8 minute pumping 7-8hg 4x week