Dating a co-worker

I'm a female in my twenties living in Germany for a few years now as an expat, but I've moved around a Europe a lot the past few years. I currently work as an engineer in an automotive company and right now I'm the only woman in the team as it has always been as long as I worked. I've always had friendly relationships with my male coworkers and have made it a point not to date them, primarily because I'm usually the only foreigner in the team and I didn't want to put my reputation on line. But for the past few months, I started working with this cute co-worker who's German, we both are on the same team, have a lot of tasks together and we make a great team. Initially it was just friendly, but I've noticed him staring at me alot recently (not in a creepy way), he goes out of his way to help me with things and when we hang out in a group, him and I usually end up together and my colleagues usually leave us alone during lunch. We have also started to share alot about our personal lives too recently. I honestly would ask him out, but is dating co-workers usual here? If so, give a girl some advice how to 🙃 I've seen that happen a lot between my colleagues in my previous work places but it has never happened to me so I'm a big nervous