Looking for a game that generates great stories - similar to Rimworld, CK3, Bannerlord

Hi all - hoping to find a game that makes for good storytelling. Crusader Kings 3 was at the top of my list however the game crashes constantly on my PC and sometimes I can't even close the process, I just have to reboot, which kills the momentum a lot. I was considering Stellaris however I've played that quite recently

The perfect game would let you view your world from many levels, i.e. strategy world map view all the way down to what your character sees, like M&B Bannerlord, but your decisions would impact what happens in the wider world too. RimWorld has been pretty satisfying also in terms of how much detail you can see about how your characters feel, the decisions you can make, the lifestyles they leave

If any game can scratch all these itches at once, I'd be throwing down good money for it. Open to mod suggestions for RimWorld/Bannerlord potentially also