It's time to say goodbye, atleast for now.
I think for me personally it's time to say goodbye to Fifa/FC, atleast for the time being. Is it because I don't have fun on the game? No, I acctualy have a very fun team and kind of enjoy the gameplay. It's more because I notice it's more and more getting close to addiction, both time and money wise.
I see more and more I'm like "oh, I gotta play 2 more games before I have to do something else". That's when this morning I decided to delete the game. I also spend quite a bit, it's not that I'd miss the money (I don't spend if I can't if you know what I mean) but even that is getting a bit too much and I wanted to cut it before it's too late.
Anywho, I know most of you won't care or will say "See you next week!", but I think this is the right time to cut some bad habits.