First time going out in a skirt. Went somewhat well… somewhat wrong.
Soooo uh I’m still working on a theater play with friends of mine, and went out, about two hours ago, to get something to eat this evening.
I decided that I’d go with my skirt, to fight my shy side and learn to stop caring about what people thought of me.
So the good part is it worked, I felt confident, and even at ease and didn’t really care about what people thought… I wasn’t that shy. Not as much as I thought I’d be.
But at the central bus stop in our city, a group of teenagers burst in laughter and one of them said « Hey, guys, guys, guyssss! Look at him! »
I tried to give them no credit and to go sit with my friends, out of their sight.
Some others, a couple of persons who looked like they were in their late 50s or early 60s, apparently insulted me, said slurs, but I didn’t hear them. One of them apparently said, according to my friends, « Is he wearing a skirt? What’s wrong with this generation? What’s next, are we gonna s*ck girls, now, if boys start wearing skirts ? »… which is very inappropriate, and another one said « This isn’t carnival »…
They didn’t precisely say that, but I tried to translate it as well as I could, accordingly to my friends’ memories.
But now I’m thinking… As long as I ain’t in trouble, why should I even care? They don’t deserve my attention as soon as they think such things…