Weird scaling in Prominence II RPG: Hasturian Era

I have played the modpack for several hours, but then noticed a strange increase of mob damage. So I decided to test that, compared level 1 and level 65 (modpack level). I had the same armor and took a hit from Piglin Brute.

Level 1: 21.9/24.0 before, 19.1/24.0 after, 11.7% in damage Level 65: 248.5/280.0 before, 76.5/280.0 after, 61.4% in damage

So you get weaker by leveling up, and even the best enchanted armor is basically worse than none on lower level. And all you get is a ridiculous +3% damage talent buff.

Is there any way to fix this? I love the pack, want to complete the questline, but this autoleveling is an absolute deal-breaker for me. The health regeneration gets worse too.