Wow, that sure was a fight of all time!!!

I thought it was legitimately impossible for Kratos and Asura alone to be able to be portrayed in such an intensely boring way, let alone a fight between both of them at once to be the most boring fight I've ever seen.
This episode proved me wrong, though.

Knowing how the fight was going to go the second Asura brought out another transformation in a row with all the energy of a wet fart, everything he does being no selled or countered with one of Kratos' own attacks also having all the impact of a water balloon... If Kratos at least looked decent enough to sell the effect that he was overpowering Asura's attacks it'd be decent, but-- No, that isn't what happened.

not to mention asura getting treated like he's a wrathful monster who needs to be put down until the literal end of the battle and asura being the one to initiate a fight being character assassination. Not even mentioning how giving kratos the "omg he did the asura finger punch thing!!!" makes asura look comparable to wyzen which feels like even more character assassination, on top of just giving the other character the most iconic move Asura did when Asura barely accomplished anything that whole fight... I don't care about feats vs lore man, I don't care who wins, I care about a good fight, which this wasn't.

that was just straight up trash! I don't care about bardock vs omniman but I can call it worse than Gioker since that was always an awful matchup in my eyes
"how would you have done it then?" no clue pal but NOT LIKE THAT
doesn't help that the analysis does not solve the problems people have with kratos vs asura as a debate as a whole. it's not like diocard where there's good reason to assume dio wins after the fight is explained-- people are going to keep going "but kratos shouldn't have had the lore" for all eternity
anyways cant wait for simon to have his drills animated with all the impact of a wet kitten