Managing night erections
10 days post op and the worst thing by far has been the night erections that kept waking me up throughout the night. I was so miserable the first couple of days from sleep deprivation. Thanks to this community I got a couple of tips that helped me, here’s sharing what worked for me.
I take Tylenol about 30 min before bed, and minimize liquid intake in the evening. In addition to that, I also have 5mg of melatonin to help me sleep on nights I find myself mentally anxious (despite being so sleepy).
What helped the most though, was adjusting my sleeping position to a fetal position. This does not reduce erections, but reduces the strain on the stitches when erections occur.
I lie on my side, knees up to a 90 degree angle. I point my dong upwards facing north-ish (north being where my face is), resting it on my thigh. I stick a pillow between my legs to give the groinal area some space to breathe.
Here’s the important part, when I feel an erection happening, I pull my knees closer to my chest which really helps to slow down and reduce the erection quickly. My sleep quality improved greatly after trying this.
Sleep deprivation and the feeling of dreading going to bed is horrible. Wishing you all the best and trust that it will get better!