10 hours played - newbie review.
My first time playing was on Jan 25th for about an hour, where I played the tutorial and tried to go do a quest… and died.
Achievement unlocked.
I put the game down to play something else because I was honestly just put off by the graphics, UI, and trying to learn the game. That was a big mistake on my part.
Yesterday morning, I decided to give the game another run because it was still installed. I went through the tutorial more slowly, and things were just making more sense. The UI started to finally come together for me. I figured out what the UI elements were by hovering over them, and this is where I actually came to like the UI design.
My tutorial character got farther into Red Rock than my original character, but he eventually died pretty far down.
Classic mode. Save game deleted. And I was actually fine with it!
I created another character on classic mode just to test out the character creation process and went on my way again to Joppa. This time around, my character made significant progress (as far as a newbie goes), and I learned about pets and how they function. While in Red Rock, I believe, I picked up a fungal infection (Fickle Gill) and had to go to the internet to figure out what to do with it. I love figuring things out on my own, but this was beyond me.
My character, still with Fickle Gill, made it all the way to Six Day Stilt (looking for components for a cure) and then all the way back to Joppa.
Upon coming back to Joppa, I learned that you can examine items to figure out what they are. Once I learned about this, I planned to go back to SDS, buy an artifact, and hope that it was a spray bottle.
I was low on water, so I decided to go inside a house and close the door to look through containers for some fresh water. I opened up a chest that didn’t belong to me, and the entire town of Joppa noticed this… and killed me. I had enough items to sell for more water, so I do not know why I thought this was better.
My character was a mighty level 7 and could take down a crowd. This run was by far the most fun I’ve had in a long time in an RPG roguelike.
I’ve misjudged Caves of Qud, and for that, I apologize. I will be playing it a lot more and eventually writing a review.