For those bros who don't read fiction: why?

Ever since I was about 14, op-eds about men not reading much fiction have popped up intermittently, and we seem to be in one of those phases. Unlike those op-eds, I am not here to judge your choice of entertainment, but I am curious: if you don't read fiction, why?

Some reasons I've heard:

  • "Reading fiction is pointless because it never happened."
  • "Reading fiction is pointless because it does not teach you any skills."
  • "It takes too long; I would rather watch an adaptation."
  • "I am too tired after work and want to do something less active."
  • "I hate/believe I am bad at reading."
  • "I prefer audiobooks."

If you are a bro who does read fiction, please also feel free to chime in, this is a really fascinating topic to me!

P.S. I always thought "men don't read fiction" was nonsense, because in high school all my friends were into Riordan, but it does seem like men consistently read less fiction, at least statistically over the past decade or so. I can anecdotally say that the English classes I took in college were mostly made up of women, to the point that I was the only man in my two upper division courses; and that of my male friends these days, I only know one who reads fiction, so I am really curious about this.