Can a baby have CMPA but be completely content?
My 4 month old is EBF. Her poos have always been on the greenish side, though this changes day to day. They are also quite mucus-y in texture.
When my toddler was a baby, her poos were mustard coloured and textured, with only occasional mucus. Also, by this age, she only pooped every 3-4 days. It was pretty great. This bub still poops several times a day, about 2-3 times.
I asked the gp about the poo when she was 3 weeks old and she just shrugged it off and said her poo was normal.
I have wondered if maybe she had too much foremilk, so I changed to feeding her from only one side per feed to ensure she gets the hindmilk but this made no difference to her poo.
At her 4 month check up, the gp ordered a stool sample, which has been sent off over a week ago and I haven't had a call back yet which makes me think there is no virus or bacteria. I will call the gp on Monday to double check, but I think it unlikely that she has been sick with something for 4 months.
So now I am wondering if it is CMPA. I am going to trial going cows milk free for 2 weeks starting tomorrow to see if there is any difference.
The only thing is, she is a completely chilled and content bub. She is so easy and happy all the time. Never irritable. Her skin is absolutely perfect - no blemishes or rashes ever. She has never had any sign of blood in her poo either. Has anyone had a CMPA bub where the only sign was greenish mucus-y poo? I had always heard that CMPA bubs tend to be very colic-y and get rashes when they have eaten CMP.
Bonus question - Any dairy swap ideas? I LOVE dairy. This is going to be hard. I can go without drinking cows milk, but I will struggle without cheese and chocolate.
Edit - She always gains weight really well. She is about 60 %tile.