Let go and heartbroken... why couldn't I say goodbye?

I recently was let go as a BCBA- everyone was incredibly professional and the explanations were well thought out and I agreed. I'm a bit of a newer BCBA, but as time went on, I needed additional training that they could not afford.

The thing is that I had absolutely no idea it was going to happen (there weren't any prior discussions), and I understand that being in an At Will state, they did not have to give any reasons. BUT because I had no idea, I also didn't have any opportunities to say goodbye to any of my clients or their families, and I was absolutely Broken about that. I cared about my job greatly, and loved all my clients, and this feeling, honestly, I'm taking a break from the ABA world.

My question is, how could this have been done differently by the company?

It was explained that previously other employees had made it awkward with goodbyes, but there's still something in me that disagrees with how the transition was handled.