Just a friendly reminder; You can like something people dislike and vice versa.

I came here to tell you all that one fact. There are some people here who take what other people think of their beloved game a little bit too close to home.

It's fine fellas, really. It's fine to love something mediocre. It's fine to love something you see a lot of people dislike. Just don't ever EVER go too far off the beaten path and turn into a porcupine.

Reviews are just that, reviews by a small group of individuals who played the game. They have their own thoughts about it, much like you do, and both are completely fine to have. Some of you forget that fact, and think they hold power that they really do not have.

It's fine to agree or disagree about criticisms people have, just don't surround yourself like a Porcupine and lash out at everyone who doesn't act the same as you do

Okay? Okay.