There’s someone I’d like you all to meet

This is me with John "Papa John" Farquhar. He's 97 years old and to our knowledge, the oldest A&P alive. Full disclosure, this is not a request for money or help. But Papa John has been battling with cancer for the last year now and he is in high spirits but could surely use your prayers! He's a great man and has some amazing stories.

Last year, my boss passed away, but before he did he interviewed Papa John about his life and legacy.

He never got around to editing and releasing the two hours of footage but l've been working with my boss' widow to acquire the footage and complete it. Is this something you all would be interested in or think it's worth the effort?

Thanks all

This is me with John "Papa John" Farquhar. He's 97 years old and to our knowledge, the oldest A&P alive. Full disclosure, this is not a request for money or help. But Papa John has been battling with cancer for the last year now and he is in high spirits but could surely use your prayers! He's a great man and has some amazing stories.

Last year, my boss passed away, but before he did he interviewed Papa John about his life and legacy.

He never got around to editing and releasing the two hours of footage but l've been working with my boss' widow to acquire the footage and complete it. Is this something you all would be interested in or think it's worth the effort?

Thanks all