Here's the deal, and i need your help
Im so sick of shitty rips of pinkly smooth on YouTube, but here's the deal, im and audio engineer with a decent mixing setup. I also was not a fan of the remaster, it just didn't do it justice.
So here's what I need... direction to the highest quality rips of unfortunate snort I cab possibly find, the better the source, the better my mix.
What I plan to deliver. Hi fidelity remastered was files rendered at 32bit float 96khz.
How I plan to release...
First I will contact syn or the band in anyway I can to offer the remasters free of charge in case he wishes to release himself. I will wait at least two week for a reply at which point if no word I will post on YouTube and supply full quality files in the form of .wav and .mp3 files at their highest bitratr possible.
So what do you say, can we make this happen?
Mods, i hope this is alright as the music is not commercially available, if not then let me know.