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Seeking listeners who would like a free audiobook in exchange for an honest review of Against All Enemies by Thomas M. Wing.

When the People's Republic of China unleashes a devastating attack on the United States, Navy destroyer captain Bill Wilkins and his crew are suddenly alone, deep in the enemy's backyard, and unable to communicate with naval or national leadership. At home in Washington, the president is detached from reality. Survivors of his cabinet contend with military leadership for control, some to save the nation they serve, others in pursuit of personal power.

As America becomes alienated from her allies, Russia begins a campaign that creates heightened fears of nuclear annihilation. Bill must navigate a political minefield to find friends among China's neighbors while undertaking a role that demands he take unimaginable risks and wrestle with the question, What losses are acceptable in order to win?

Praise For Against All Enemies: “...action-packed naval thriller...ominously close to reality...Wing’s first-hand experience in naval combat and decades of service as a Navy Surface Warfare officer are on full-display in immersive combat scenes…the command center of a destroyer...is captured with uncanny reality…clear, authentic description of modern warfare...a thrilling exercise in political prophesy.” -Warren Maxwell, Independent Book Reviews

"In his book Against All Enemies, author Thomas Wing has provided us with a fascinating tale of what may happen if the Chinese committed a limited, surprise attack against the United States. ... The author's portrayal of the naval combat kept my attention throughout the book. Anyone who enjoys reading military fiction should enjoy this book." -Bob Doerr, Military Writers Society of America

Against All Enemies by Thomas M. Wing is a Finalist for the Military Writers Society of America Book Awards; winner for Military Fiction by the American Book Festival, a Silver Finalist for the American Writing Awards, a Firebird Award Winner for Best Military Fiction, and a North American Book Awards Bronze Medal Winner for Military Fiction.

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