What point to start considering wisdom tooth removal??

To preface this, I’m 24 years old and my wisdom tooth (lower left) started growing in when I was 22. It suddenly started erupting, and my gum was extremely inflamed and excruciating to even move my jaw. I immediately went to an emergency dentist, and they said it was impacted and would need to be removed (they also popped my gum, it had a cyst full of blood/pus it was infected I guess). They sent me home with antibiotics, and I was on my way. Afterward it felt better, and I was quoted $4,500 for all four teeth to come out. So I honestly forgot about it and it didn’t hurt for two years.

Now, I’m pregnant and my THREE other wisdom teeth decided to start popping through my gums. All of them are successfully popping through (so not fully impacted), but my lower right one hurts similarly to the first incident I had. I can’t afford $4,500, and I’m also pregnant. What should I do? Just wait it out? Eating is a pain, but otherwise it’s not agonizing. Just wondering if some pain is normal, and when I should consider actually seeking help/getting them out.