Everyone is stumped. Help?

I drive a 2002 Ford F150 5.4 L triton engine. last Friday I drove my truck home and turned it off as normal. I went to drive it two days later and apparently I did not close the door all the way, so my light was left on and my battery died. I used my boyfriend’s truck to jump mine off and the second we attached the jumper cables to my battery, my dashboard vents kicked on. The defrost vents. Not my other vents, just defrost. The key was in my hand nowhere near the ignition, and the air was off anyway. I turned the truck on and the vents turned off. we let the truck run for about 10 minutes and then I turned it off.

The moment I turned the truck off my defrost vents kicked on again. The key was in my hand, not in the ignition. my dash lights were also on as if I was about to start the vehicle. Again, key was in my hand. We ended up taking the fuse out for the vents, but we couldn’t figure out how to get the lights to turn off so we just disconnected the battery. I asked my dad to look at it and a mechanic that I personally know, and everyone is scratching their head trying to figure out what could possibly make my lights and my vents turn on after I take the key out of the ignition. If anyone has any idea, please comment because we are stumped.