This season is miserable to play as any class other than support unless you are significantly better than your opponents
The amount of insane shit you can get away with while being bad at the game because supports are so damn overtuned is astounding. They are beyond being "supports". The're all damage soaking sponges that take minimal skill to pilot and invalidate the core principals of this game of loot having scarcity and managing loot being essential only behind actual gun skill and macro play. There are so many things that have been core to this game since release they invalidate.
- Knocks don't mean anything unless you are right on top of them and able to finish the kill. Also sometimes knocking someone is bad for you (thanks to healing passive). Knocks mean nothing until you finish the kill now or sit on them and pressure the finish (aka hope they were out of position when you knocked them). Lifeline/Gibby/Newcastle all invalidate the advantage of a knock and add free healing on top of it. Conduit is a lesser offender due to no abilities to help res teammates but huge ability to keep teammates in the fight after the knock.
- Mirage can almost infinitely stealth and as far as I can tell it seems like the invisibility is a lot stronger than it used to be. Sometimes his healing stealth has lights other times it doesn't. Long term stealth has always been a big no-no because it ruins the experience for everyone but the person using it as element of surprise is a huge strength. Mirage is just annoying as hell to play against and it's not due to the normal annoying Mirage clone antics.
- Medical resources are not scarce if you have supports. You can face tank almost double the damage of the average squad (while often being really OP in the earliest part of the game where ammo is not as abundant). Loba ult essentially gives the team infinite health as long as you cannot pressure them faster than they can heal. And if you don't have a Loba, you also get double the value from the most common resources in the game and access to even more than other legends while also gaining evo for it.
- Newcastle literally invalidates like 2/3 of the roster (he just does way too much) and is a better assault legend than most of the assault legends (who often are just slower skirmishers with more ammo and damage).
- Dying has no real cost either as you can just either pick up the banner and near instant spawn them or run away and rat and craft and spawn them (arguably not reliable but can be amazing just to get a second chance when before you almost never got to bring people back).
- You have the highest EHP (effective hp) and the lowest downtime when having to heal while also being the class where you only have 2 larger characters. Both of which get indestructible tactical shields to compensate technically giving you extra hp and more control over the fight (as a support lmao).
For context, I mained Bloodhound/Gibby until Mad Maggie came out. I do not struggle against most squads running all supports as long as my team respects that a squad with 2 supports is basically like having 3 controller legends. I win a lot of my games, but it's so damn annoying dying off drop to a squad that simply just has so much early-mid game power that player skill often doesn't matter. Dropping into a 2 man support squad as not 2 man support is like dropping in with no body shield and no class benefit. You are down a leg from the rip. If you are not coordinated you have to run a meta character or the game is pretty much over unless you can make some insane plays early. If both teams are equal skill then the game is just a giant stat check (who has more healing and ammo) which is boring as all hell to play and just turns into high damage games with almost no kills and a shit ton of knocks.