Way to summon Ars' portals at will

I'm focusing on Ars Nouveau as its aesthetic is very catchy to me and building my base around it, but I've been facing one problem: I want to create a hub where I could choose, either by some kind of display or manual interaction (like buttons, levers and such) which "Stabilized Warp Scroll" would be used to create the portal to where I chose to go, instead of just placing waystones everywhere.

The idea is, basically, founding a way of using the scrolls (right-clicking) on the floor to summon the portal, but I can't think of any optimal way of doing it considering I want to have the control of choosing which scroll will be used (well, I think some mods like Integrated Dynamics would do it, but I don't even know how I'd start). If someone could suggest some alternative to me, I'd be glad!

Here is my current (and best so far) idea:

Each one of the blocks have a Stabilized Warp Scroll set to it

A Modular Router pull any Warp Scroll from a chest, and then uses the \"Activator Module\" to use it on the grass block above, sending it back right after

The buttons activate an dropper that pushes the specified Warp Scroll on the chest that the Modular Router pulls from, thus summoning the portal

The problem is: each \"portal\" is using a \"Sender Module\", thus limiting the amount of choices I could have

Someone knows a better way of doing it? Honestly, I'm really bad at this "logistic" thing and I'm almost settling to the waystones or even elevators, but those portals would looks nice!