Insomnia Secondary to Tinnitus
Filed in April 2023 for Insomnia, Secondary to Tinnitus. In June I was denied as the Decision Letter stated my Insomnia was Less Likely as Not caused by Tinnitus. I got a Nexus letter and filed a Supplemental in August. Just had my new C&P exam today. Examiner said it'd be short because the VA Rater made a mistake, I was approved for Secondary at my first C&P. She thinks the confusion was because two (2) boxes were checked on the DBQ report. I had filed for Anxiety and Insomina/Sleep Disorder. The "at least as likely" was checked for Insomnia, and the "Less Likely" was checked for the anxiety. She stated she would correct the DBQ, clarify the confusion in here report, and resubmit. She did say my Insomnia was considered moderate. I'll anxiously await my rating. I assume I'll get back pay?