I hate living with a man
He’s disgusting. He never cleans anything. He doesn’t wash properly. He tracks water from the shower all over the house as he walks around naked, for no reason. He makes obscene noises NONSTOP, he is SO loud. Coughing, gagging, hacking on phlegm. Never covers his mouth. Listens to every video at FULL VOLUME. Yes, even “those” videos. Always yelling across the house. Slams every door he walks through. Slams the drawers shut. Slams the cabinets. Leaves trash literally everywhere. Snot. So much snot. Poops with the door open, making way too much noise. And then won’t clean the toilet afterwards. Or wash his hands. I’m so tired of living with a man. I cannot wait to move out of here.
Wow this blew up. I’ve never had a post get locked before. 🫠