Diamond and Anscendant Players Stuck In Plat
Been playing since closed beta. This is by far the worst Episode I've played in. Hard resets suck, but they usually balance out by the end or by Act 2. Here we are Act 2 and all I'm getting in my plat games are 50% former ascendant and diamonds. It's screwing hard with consistency of play. I've even seen immortals as well.
Answer me this, I'm being serious, why can't ya'll get back to your "normal" rank? I add quotes for the reason that I'm starting to wonder if many of you didn't even deserve it. Or maybe the Meta change has messed with it. I'm seriously confused why plat this season has been an absolute melting pot.
Please. Help me understand.
EDIT: I appreciate all the insight everyone is posting here. I'd like to clarify a couple things. First off, I'm not hard stuck. I'm right where I should be and trying to get better. This is asking what is going on with other players.
I'm old, 30+ and I am never going to be a great player. But, the reason I'm asking is because this act just seem so awful. My games are crazy inconsistent players wise in terms of skill. For me, it feels like the system just didn't work well this time...or almost too well (if that makes sense). The games just don't flow well and it feels as though there no longer any form of consistency. Hopefully that clarification helps.
It's ok to disagree with me, just giving my personal input on my experience this Act as someone who plays every day.