My ex’s hygiene habits (or lack thereof) almost broke me
My ex had multiple hygiene habits that alone should have made me end the relationship, but I stuck around for too long
To start, he liked to pick at the hairs that grew on his cheeks and jawline because his hair there was sparse. He would take that hair and drop it wherever he was sitting or standing. I would frequently find bits of hair scattered everywhere, including on his desk, my pillow, around the kitchen sink, etc. I tried on multiple occasions to get him to at the very least clean up after himself. I bought him tweezers. I suggested skincare routines to help with the discoloration the picking left and other hair removal options, all the no avail.
He never used soap in the shower and only had shampoo. He didn’t even have hand soap next to the sink.
He had a bad habit of taking a shit, not wiping his ass, then standing under the water for hours without washing. He started leaving skid marks on my towels towards the end of the relationship and refused to believe they were from him. I bought myself a new set of towels and told him not to use them to prove it. He used my towels anyway and left skid marks on those too.
He would occasionally forget to flush the toilet and would sometimes pee on the toilet seat because he was so rushed in between video games that he’d just waddle to and from his gaming chair to the toilet with his pants around his ankles.
The worst part is how he never actually washed his dick. It wasn’t an issue in the beginning but slowly got worse over time to the point where I’d sniff him before sex and make him go rinse off if it smelled. It started becoming an issue for me because of my IUD, he refused to wear condoms. Every time I would visit him for a week or so and then come back to my own place, I would develop a yeast infection since my body was trying so hard to regulate. By the last year, I developed a chronic bacterial infection that my OBGYN couldn’t figure out. I finally just started taking cleansing vaginal suppositories because I was so uncomfortable. They treated the symptoms but not the core issue. I didn’t put that one together until after we broke up and the infection cleared up entirely on its own.
Again, I know I should have left sooner but I thought I loved him and truly thought he could change given enough time.
Some things I keep seeing - yes, he played LoL.
Home was worse so I stayed long enough to get a masters and get into the same field as him.
I stayed partly because he kept telling me sob stories every time I tried to leave about how he was going to change and be better. The changes lasted about 2 weeks. I also stayed partly because I needed to wait out the lease.
He was definitely depressed starting during the pandemic. I tried on multiple occasions to get him to seek help and he flat out refused to admit he had an issue.
I know I can’t change other people but I truly thought that if he saw the way he was living and what he was doing to me, he’d want to change himself.
And yes I left and I’m doing better!
To those who think this is fake, go off. If you think I’m an idiot, I accept your judgement. I’m sharing this because it’s part of my healing journey. Thanks everyone!
ETAA - I used vaginal soap every day, went to the OB and did what I thought I was supposed to do. So those calling me gross and unhygienic are just wrong. And for the last time, the sex was NOT consensual. One time I tried to rescue a puppy and my ex provided no support. After a week of sleep deprivation and lack of sex, my ex raped me 3 times in one day. Another time I went to visit him for break and stayed up the entire night with a friend before I flew. I was exhausted. I told my ex well in advance I might be a zombie, but I thought he’d let me nap while he finished the work day. He jumped me while I was in bed and I BEGGED him to stop and cried. I finally just let him until I fell asleep. Are all yall sick fucks satisfied? Does that sound like rape?