I think that pro choicers are not arguing against the ACTUAL pro life position in good faith.

Exactly what the title says. I’m a pro-choicer, but I have empathy for and understand where pro-lifers are coming from. The whole “my body, my choice“ doesn’t really address the best version of the pro-life argument as they believe fetus has a right to the safety of ITS body too. I believe that if you’re going to have a discussion about it, then you should address their ACTUAL premise in good faith.

I can understand the frustration, trying to explain that for all intents and purposes, the fetus is a parasite. It’s not a biological mutually advantageous relationship; at least not scientifically. pro-lifers see no difference between a fetus and a newborn baby. They genuinely in their hearts believe that you are killing something no different from a newborn baby. So it’s not irrational for them to be vitriolic about their stance.

Just my opinion 🤷🏾‍♀️