Will main games ever be better than hacks/fan games

TLDR: I’d rather play rom hacks than main series games, do you think game freak will ever make their games on par with the best rom hacks?

So I’ve been thinking of selling my switch for a few reasons, but mainly cause I just don’t play the thing. I mainly had it to play Pokémon games on, but I just don’t have the drive to play them a lot. I’ve considered it might just be me growing up, as it’s been well over 10 years since I was a kid playing the games after school, but when I get that kick to play one out I always turn to a rom hack. The experience is just so much more enjoyable than any main line game I’ve played since probably ORAS. This got me thinking about why I enjoy them so much more than the official games, and it’s hard to really nail down a solid set of reasons. Some games like renegade platinum provide basically just an improved version, those like radical red are loaded with quality of life improvements, and others like crystal clear offer a completely new way to play. It’s almost like the people making these understand what fans want more than Nintendo or game freak ever could. Then I got to thinking about if game freak would ever get the message that the stuff they’re putting out just isn’t great and make an effort to improve the quality in ways other than making the game look like your average AAA trash and handholding you for the whole game. Personally I don’t see it happening, but what do you guys think?