No good reason...
Just finished episode 9. It's interesting how much people give preferential treatment to the gameplay of the traitors/players whom they want to win the game. Like, at first I loved it when Rob turned on Bob TDQ (although he did it waaaay too soon), but when Danielle turned on Carolyn, I was horrified (the edit is probably pushing this but still). I started thinking about why this is the case, and I think it's all about strategy. Is it okay to feel differently about the same move made by different people? Were they really the exact same move? I'm not sure. With the traitor betrayals this season, though, there is definitely a common (and quite annoying) thread: "no good reason."
Danielle really had no reason to tank Carolyn's game. They were working well together, on the same page about Rob, and both (somewhat) under the radar. Dropping Carolyn's name only served to put further suspicion on Danielle because it was so clearly made up. The way she handled herself tonight was impressive but she is still on borrowed time. Rob, on the other hand, had slightly more of a reason to get Bob TDQ out since he'd singled out the cage boys (again for no good reason.) The problem is Rob did too much. There was plenty of suspicion on TDQ and there was no good reason for him to attack Bob the way he did (I know... he just couldn't help himself. That's probably why). So that was annoying.
Now, I'm stuck trying to decide if I should be mad at Danielle for betraying Carolyn, and if so, can I justify not feeling the same way about Rob? Honestly, I can't. Rob screwed up and it was dumb. At the end of the day, I just get annoyed when traitors make bad game moves, because they of all people should know better. Both the traitor betrayals this season feel that way to me, although Rob's was just ill-timed. I think he would have been smarter to lie in wait, then pile on similar to what (spoiler for another season incoming) Cirie and Arie did to Christian in US 1. And funnily enough, kind of what Danielle ended up doing in this episode (and what Carolyn should have done) which is why I can't hate her for it.
TLDR: Why do traitors betray each other for no good reason instead of working together until one inevitably sinks themselves?
Edit: spoilers