Season 5 was 50% 9/10, 50% 3/10

It was maddening to me. The first 4 episodes were awesome, a return to the good old vibe of Seasons 1-3 (4 was awful). But then the show suddenly goes from The Expanse to Naomi's odyssey.
We spend 4 episodes with her doing absolutely nothing, having the same conversation over and over again with different members of Marco's crew, all of it leading absolutely nowhere. Finally she leaves, but we have to spend an extra 2 episodes with her doing a bunch of random nonsense in her booby-trapped ship, all of it ultimately being ENTIRELY useless because she just jumps ship before she gets rescued anyway.

The only reprieve from all this snoozefest is Amos and Clarissa on Earth, walking around doing some more nothing, their entire ordeal feeling like a filler because none of it accomplished anything at all. The ENTIRE sequence between them escaping the prison and ending up on Luna could have been skipped with essentially 0 impact on the story or my overall understanding of the situation.

And then, finally Ep 10 comes about and stuff starts happenning again, but then the season ends and you're left wishing you had waited for season 6 to come out before starting this one because all of it was half a season of content draaaaaaawwwwwwwn out.