I really love the simple quality of life things in Terraria
I picked up Terraria about a year ago, but I couldn’t get into it. I was so lost. I spent the morning running in circles and then I was bombarded at night. All the crafting, making walls, etc, was so foreign to me. I also didn’t utilize the guide, and the wiki was so unhelpful. I ended up dropping it until I played with my brother. We discovered the game together, and we would go on excursions together. Anyway, as I am the crafter in our world, I really appreciated the small things. Block switch, the auto placement feature, the chest button that automatically sorts your stuff, can take torches down without a tool, not needing to switch tools while removing blocks/wood, how simple multiplayer is, how simple Tmodloader is, being able to make characters and bring them into any world you make. Just everything. Even the easter eggs are so cool. It’s made it so difficult to play other similar games, where I have to individually open each chest and put things away myself. Anyway just a thanks to the devs for listening to the community. :’)
We just killed the MoonLord and I crafted the Zenith for both my brother and me and it was genuinely such a grind but so damn fun. We’re going to play together on expert mode next, and try Crimson!
Thanks for reading my rambling lol