F**ked up life
I am tired of living this life
Shit has been going down at home when I said that I want to get a PC I had saved up for a few months to buy one. But as soon as I mentioned it to my parents they started losing it.. They were like why do you need it now. What purpose is it gonna do?
And since then it have been a hell of a week
And then today it boiled over. We always go out or order something in for the weekend And dad asked me to buy something, but I was still pissed at him so I told him if he gives money I will, otherwise I won't..
Then mom was like he only cares about him.. He is just arrogant..
I always want to buy a gaming pc, since I was a young kid I wanted to build a gaming pc. It was a dream of mine. But then when I finally have a chance it just feels like I don't have anyone for me! The months of savings I did just so that I could enjoy it and puff it's all gone
My head is all over the place and I can't think straight or keep my thoughts constant. I am spiralling
PS: I am very bad expressing my emotions, I always try to keep it under me. And all the emotions is killing me!.