Just Really Touched
My fiancé of 4 years and I broke up over the weekend. We’ve been in contact some and idk what’s gonna happen
I also am bipolar and started a new anti depressant and have just been a fucking mess overall the last 2-3 weeks
I’m usually a very lively and talkative person but like I said, I’ve just been miserable.
Well we broke up and I broke down. I’ve worn the same sweatpants and yoga pants all week and I NEVER wear sweats or yoga pants.
Monday I was sobbing every two hours and people noticed. In the hall it was quiet “hey are you ok?” From my team it was “do you need anything?” We had a meeting Monday and when I got to the room I sat at an empty table and just put my head down. At some point I cried (silently) but a teacher I didn’t even think knew my name let alone cared, just came up and ran her fingers along my back and when I looked up at her she said “it’s gonna be alright” and I said “what?” And she said “you’re gonna be okay” and I said “why are you saying this?” And she shrugged as she continued and said “cause it will be” and then she just walked away. Haven’t spoken to her since
Tuesday I was 2 hours late for work. And the only thing my team lead said was “go settle in your room. The kids are ok. Do you need anything?”
Yesterday I struggled again, but wasn’t that late. Just not focused. And all they said was “it’s okay. Do you need anything?”
Today … god. I had told the nurse that I was bipolar last year and she understood. So I’ve been checking in with her. Two weeks ago when it was especially bad I told her I was struggling to take my meds. She wrote me a little “script” on an orange sticky note that said “take your rx- nurse x” and every day since then I check in with her. I’ve been taking them
But she and one of the guidance counselors left a basket of goodies in my room today, with my favorite candy and snacks and flowers and drink along with an amazing book, “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” and nurse had booked marked a page that says “sometimes just getting up and carrying on is brave and magnificent”
And maybe it’s all a song and dance and people are secretly plotting against me (as my mom and many people say)
But the EB coach came in while I was talking to my team lead and noticed the soda and the book in my bag and said “ah it WAS for you”
And when I asked why she said “well I saw it in the office and they said it was for someone having a hard week”
To which I replied, “everyone is having a hard week”
And she said “sure, but you’re special to some of us”
And I just holy shit
How lucky and blessed am I to have such an amazing staff
Idk I just really wanted to share. When you find the right people, it really does become worth it
I’ve taught all week and well at that. But to be appreciated and seen like that just cause you’re human?
I can’t even believe it