They got violent, so i did too.

This weekend my hotel is completely sold out for a hockey tournament, so we cant change anyones room. When this was booked it came through an agent, all they gave us was the names and number of beds the needed without specifying who is on what team and who wants what building and didnt respond when we asked for more information, so we put people wherever there was space and that caused problems all night with just about everyone.

This lady, her husband and 2 sons were checking in, the first thing out of the wifes mouth was "I better not be outside or i swear to effing god" followed by the last name. I told her unfortunately she will be outside and that the property is sold out, so i couldnt move her. She demanded i call the manager, because thats just Unacceptable, i refused because management was not on site and the new management never answers my calls anyways but told them that they will tell them the same thing. Her husband chimed in and started going on about how the traffic on the road (our parking lot) is dangerous and his sons will get run over and die, then il got to jail and they will take everything i have for the rest of my life because im responsible, if he dosent get me before the cops do. Tried to explain to him thats not how that works and the parents are responsible for their children at all times while on the property and they still got a No for the room change.

Another parent that heard what was happening came over and joined in yelling at me, "Just move her bro, stop being a d**k", Now they are demanding i call my supervisor right effing now or else il be sorry, which i refused to do and explained that she just worked a 12hr day and is working another 12hr day tomorow and I will not be disturbing her for something that is not an emergency, still trying to be nice to them and not escalate it since im out numbered and the husband is 3x my size and clearly ready to fight.

They were screaming at this point insisting it was an emergency a couple times, and more parents came over to see what was going on from the restaurant/bar. She wipped out her phone, shoved her camera in my face and demanded i repeat myself, so i did and finished by telling her she has to stop filming and pointed to the sign that says "To protect the privacy and information of our guests, Audio and or video recording is strictly prohibited at the front desk".

The group of them just got even more pissed off and kept yelling at me (at this point im out numbered roughly 10-1, to make it worse, some of the parents were already drunk or still drinking and the nearest staff member would take atleast an hour to get here), everything from Im such a horrible evil monster il let a child die instead of just moving them, A homeless person on the street would be better at your job than you and deserves this job more than i do (Little did they know, I am homeless), Im a skinny a** little bh, Your momma raised a py etc for about 20mins.

I finally had enough after my mom was braught into it, told them all of them they need to pack their s**t and gtfo. The husband decided he didnt like my tone, bum rushed behind my desk and got an inch off my face screaming with the other parents blocking the way out of the desk area, beers in hand, also still screaming at me, while i grabbed the flashlight and raised it getting ready to wack him over the head because i was worried i was about to get a beating, and im already hurt from a slip and fall earlier this week. At this point im now very pissed off, not trying to be nice anymore and screaming as loud as i can, flashlight still in hand, trying to get them out from behind the desk, I went to go call 911 but he slapped the hand peice out of my hand, slammed me against and pinned me to a wall by my chest and started swinging, i ended up hiting several times as hard as i could with the flashlight and tried to shine it directly in his eyes on strobe mode at closer than point blank till he took his hands off me and gave me enough space to slip into the front desk office, lock myself in and call 911.

Everyone involved was removed and served with a tresspass notice by police and the husband was arrested and charged. I wasnt badly hurt and returned to work today, though i will not be working alone again with this group and will be carrying something to defend myself with me at all times, especially because a guest who was kicked out last night, and who i assume is a friend of the lady, saw me on my walk in to work today and she started follwing and harassing me, screaming at me like a 2yr old from her car, blaming me for having everyone who was involved removed or arrested.

Most of the guests are still being incredibly rude to me, though thankfully there hasnt been anymore major incidents, and management now gets back to me instantly if i need them. Im also hoping i can pressure them into getting a panic button/silent alarm with my supervisors help, incase a situation like this ever happens again, because that was Unacceptable. Nobody is getting above and beyond this weekend, anyone who suggests anything remotely close to a threat or gets even slightly agressive is getting immediately kicked out, blacklisted, and entered into a raffle for the chance to win a shiny brand new criminal record from the local cops.