Am I alone in being annoyed by this?

I finally finished reading, I blame my slowness on working from home, and while I have mixed emotions on the book as a whole, the biggest issue I have is that so much of what I've come to anticipate from brandosando books happened off screen. I missed the epic fight and battle scenes! Ever since THAT Kelsier fight in The final empire, I've been blown away by the way Brandon writes fight scenes. There were some epic scenes setup in this book that feel like they were just glossed over.

The chapter that ends with Taln rising to fight the fused made me so excited to only have Adolin find him on a pile of fused the next chapter...

Adolin in an epic fight with the monarch where he's so close to death then gets a super powered version of his shard plate! And now he's killed the fused immediately the next chapter...

Sigsil on the shattered planes had glimmers of it, then it would cut to important character deaths and Dick Bag wanna be steel inquisitor just runs away right when it semeed like things were about to pop off...

Maybe it's just me though.