I have just started taking tren but im not getting the side affects everyone talks about.

I 18 M just started my 5th cycle which includes Tren A and Test C Before starting tren I contemplated whether i should start them due to all the side affects and mental health problems that comes along with it, I already have mental health problems such as BPD, Anxiety and depression, considering im taking tren right now and have been taking it for the last 2 weeks i have not came across and of the side affects, while on tren all i have felt is inner peace and a 'idgaf' attitude ofcourse the 'idgaf' attitude has a negative side to it, this 'idgaf' attitude has made me come out of my comfort zone made me want to push for more and work harder than i ever have, even with sleeping my nights have not been sleepless i have not experienced paranoia insomnia ect, yes i wake up sometimes thoughout the night but thats nothing to me, Has anyone else experienced this please reply and let me know your stories Dosages or tren and test are:

550mg Tren A-100 400mg Test C-200