I have lost faith in Starfield

Be me, the hype was real when Starfield was announced. The words “go wherever you want, and do whatever you want” filled my head. “1000 planets to explore”, I was trapped in. The hype was so real for me that I preordered the game. 100 bucks! It costed me.

Fast forward to the early release. I just downloaded the game, I launched it. The amount of lag was immense, but that was because I downloaded the game on a HDD instead of a SSD so I had to redownload the game. NOW that I can finally play the game, the hype was real. Started the main questline in a cave, touched an artifact and now Im wanted by the explorers. Sweet and OHH BOY Im heading to space now to save this man from pirates! (Loading screen). So I save the dude from pirates, he tells me to go to New Atlantis (Loading screen), meet the cute blondie and start my real missions to obtain the artifacts.

How it goes: (More loading screens), find out about the [REDACTED] (More loading screens) Sara doesnt love me because of her past (More loading screens) obtain all my powers (More loading screens) The Earth was fucked because of us (More loading screens) find out I like the emissary more so I pick his side (More loading screens), beat the bitchy hunter and now I can become a Starborn and lose all the shit I have done for the past 200+ hours…(wait what??). Anyways so I do that, I go on a complete grind to obtain powers, and guess what (MORE FUCKING LOADING SCREENS). I cant tell you how bored I got after this so I stopped playing the game for a while.

A couple months have passed, I see a new expansion and update have released. Try it out, (More loading screens) beat the expansion in less than 2 days. Decided to continue obtaining all the powers till they were level X (Cause I'm a completionist). (Let me tell you I have done so many NG+’s already to the point where it is not even fun anymore) get all the powers, Do all the questlines I have not done anymore (OMG SO MANY LOADING SCREENS)! I finally completed the vanguard questline which I gotta admit, it was the only good questline I have done in the game, and underneath that is the freestar collective sidequest. I manage to complete the game!! Over 500+ hours…I question everything I have done.

5 months have passed since I last played. A friend of mine told me to get into NMS. I ask “whats that?”, he says a space game. (At this point I wasn’t really into the idea of open world space games, and Starfield the only one i've played killed that for me). So I try it out cause he bought me the game…

What…the…absolute fuck its amazing. I wont be able to talk about it cause this reddit is about Starfield, but my gosh let me tell you this. It is what Starfield was dreaming to be, but they weren’t capable of doing it cause they were to fucking greedy! It’s actually a game where you can “go wherever you want, and do whatever you want!”, Im literally a fucking weed farmer and Im being hunted by sentinels (Aka the police). This game pretty much has everything. And apparently its getting free expansions??? And updates??? And free missions/expeditions??? Wtf…

I have spent over 100 bucks on this game, a game that I had faith in, hoping Bethesda could redeem themselves from the release of Fallout 76 (The $100 yearly subscription will never change my mind). Sure there arent a lot of bugs but my god it doesnt match the amount of repetitive gameplay that is within this game. I’ve deleted it after I have put 300+ hours in NMS knowing that this company only cares about money. All I want now is my money back but I know how things are now. I know now that preordering a game is a scam, this game was a scam! This is why I have lost faith in Bethesda and this is why I have lost faith in Starfield.