Starfield Devs needs to Focus on Fixing 1 Major Issue at a Time
Asking to Overhaul entire game in one patch is asking too much but sitting down and focusing on overhaul one major issue at a time is far more practical.
The Major Problem Areas
- Lack of Uniqueness to Enemies
Currently none of the factions feel unique, they essentially feel the same when you fight them. They don't have any unique strategies or abilities. If they all wore the same armor you couldn't tell them apart. As they all fight the exact same.
- Status Effects
Currently status effect system is an afterthought where its just random chance of applied per hit. It isn't meaningful in any way and even a downgrade to older systems like Fallout where crippling had an actual effect. Which is made worse with how the food system works.
- Lack of Interactive Environment
The environment really has no meaningful gameplay value. Planet Hazards either involves a tiny vent that spews gas which you can easily avoid. Or just generic Planet Status effect for simply existing. Basically two extremes with minimum effort as possible.
- Lack of Meaningful Distinction of Weapons
Almost all the weapons of each class feel the same. There is nothing that really sets them apart to feel unique that would make me pick one over the other. While some are so good it outclasses everything else.
- Lack of Real Benefit for being part of a Faction
There is no real benefit or downside with allying with a faction. Which removes any value at all for the choice to even exist.
- Outposts
This mechanic in its current form is totally useless.