[PriceCheck] Legatus Account
The account is from 2013, no giftable ships left but has 17 pages worth of various rewards from over the years. About $28k in total spending on the ledger.
Some of the non-giftable ships on it include:
600i Executive Edition LTI (25k reward)
F8C Lightning Executive Edition LTI (15k reward)
F8C Lightning LTI (10k reward)
Ursa Medivac LTI
Game Package - AMD Never Settle Space Edition (which includes SQ42, SC, and Mustang Omega AMD edition)
Also has a Javelin and an Idris P available in the buybacks.
I was a subscriber for 3 years around 2015 so it also lists:
"Imperator: 36 Months
Total duration"
And has a bunch of those subscriber rewards from around that time.
Just looking for a ballpark idea of what the account might be worth.