Things I remember from when SSO first came out

  • You launched the game by clicking stable doors in your internet browser
  • You couldn't enter your stable; it was just a pop up menu for you to store clothes and tack in
  • You could only have the one horse, and you could not change it
  • You couldn't even change the mane style
  • Your horse had to be wearing tack, you could only swap it by equipping another you could not remove it
  • You couldn't take off your hat or gloves
  • There were no pets
  • The only area was Silverglade
  • There were no roadmaps or sneak peaks in the news every update was a surprise
  • It took around a month to fully max your horse, provided you had unlocked all the races and did them all every day
  • There was no horse trainer
  • There was no championships
  • There was no western gear
  • No such thing as stablecare
  • Using the trailer was a lot more expensive
  • You had to physically go to a mailbox to get your mail
  • The saddles didn't have girths
  • Our horses didn't have idle animations, they just stood there like statues

Has anyone got more?