Xm4 Headband Issue
Got the XM4s three days ago for my birthday, love the noise cancellation and sound quality, but the headband is killing me.
I couldn’t find too much info online, but I think the clamping force is pushing the headband down on the top of my head, causing pain. It’s fine for short periods, but the longer I wear them, the worse it gets.
The only fixes I’ve seen is DIYs that involve modifying the foam. I did find zip-up headband pads that allegedly might help. Has anyone tried it or found another solution? I really don’t want to return these, but this issue is such a dealbreaker and honestly disappointing(
I’ve also heard people say they “break in” over time.
Please let me know any advice (or maybe even alternatives)
context: - i guess i do have a bigger head -adjusting the headphone cup length doesn’t help + makes it worse.