I really like skullgirls
But not for the reason you might think. Since I first saw this game, I'll be honest, it looked like nothing but a bait for horny people, but a couple of years later, I got bored, and saw the game on steam, with nothing better to do, I decided to download it, thinking, what's the worst that can happen? And now I'm completely invested in the world of the game, it's characters and its lore are just brilliant for a video game. The gameplay is fun, the art and animation is top notch too and the music and chill environment and overall look and feeling of the game is just amazing (mainly because im a sucker for jazz and 80's old stuff, especially the movie theatre look the game have). The characters are intriguing and all intertwined, all so unique and all with their own goals and motivations, interwined with each other in so many interesting ways, the world and it's backstory, the parasites, living weapons, the goddesses, no man's land and so many other things we know near to nothing about. There's is so much potential to this game and it's story, I can go on about it all day, this game, its story is just so amazing! Oh, im definitely in love.
I guess what I want to say is... WHERE IS THE SECOND GAME?!?