S15 E9 -Coming Clean

This is like watching a bunch of school girls like seriously this is terrible tv.

Jessel is the least clued up Fashion PR chick ever how have you never seen or heard about ‘Paris is Burning’.

Leave Rebecca alone. She is into Scientology get over it. Jenna just used it as an excuse to name drop.

Also can we talk about Beckett going to College nearer the time.

Im over Brynn. Period.

Erin is vile and weird. You had the traumatic experience of going through an abortion (I’m PRO abortion and women’s rights) so why would you participate in a bad taste joke about an accidental pregnancy. Even the interview scene didn’t make me warm to her!

Thank god the art chick spoke about something other than being married or a lesbian.

Didn’t realise Ubah was 40 I seriously thought she was still in her 20s.

Sai is clearly over this show and I think it can’t be doing her brand any good. She barely spoke throughout the episode.